Why LAF Productions...
LAF Productions is an advertising and marketing agency offering high-quality creative, publishing and strategic services for one low hourly rate to business, government or non-profit entities of any size. Having one low hourly rate, pricing surprises are virtually eliminated! Budgets remain balanced and managed without traditional worry curves. Our clients have the flexibility to make necessary changes at any time during the course of their ad campaign and the ability to fine-tune already-allocated resources on solid advertising, creative and marketing strategies that net desired results.
What is LAF Productions...
LAF Productions is a Creative, Publishing and Strategic services company that is in tune with the difficulties of our current economic times. We understand your need for our high-quality services, products, and business training to remain low and affordable. Your business is our business; therefore, we purpose our every effort to helping your company or product capture more mind share ... thus, increasing market share. We know your business to grow your business!
You see, our fresh techniques, applications of today's technology and back-to-basics common sense help us keep your company or organization's focus on bottom-line results. This in turn allows maximum efficacy for big or limited budget dollars. You'll experience a more immediate and larger Return on Investment (ROI) with any dollar amount spent.
Your strategic business objectives and our market research are effective tools combined to further focus initiatives that directly support your business and marketing strategies. We apply understanding that all activities must ultimately marry to and support your company's sales initiatives (prospecting, qualifying and closing), website's conversion rate or organization's donation drives. Each effort must be backed by research ... not guesswork.
The better your business benefits and the more money you’ll save from purchasing and using LAF Productions’ products and/or services, the happier you’ll become with a strong desire to continuously repeat your business and tell others about us. This mutual cycle results in LAFter all the way to the bank for both parties.
We streamline our business, understand business, and run a balanced business to provide best Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) efforts! Our B2C understanding of consumers' need for convenient, efficient and secure product distribution led us to create our OnlinePlusTM brand of websites. Our advocacy for entrepreneurs led to our M.A.D.E. in the USATM business training and development seminars.
At LAF Productions, Inc., we’re “Bringing LAFter Back to Business”™ while “Working to Live…not Living to Work”™. Thanks for your patronage, precious time and continued support! Click below to meet our awesome team!
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